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Meditation Schedule

Lisa guides meditations and teaches buddha-dharma and indigenous practices toward spiritual awakening. Open to people of all races, religions, nationalities, genders, in both French and English. She is an active member of Dharma Europe and a student of Qapel and Sensei of Clear Sky Center sangha in Fort Steele, B.C., Canada since 2008.  

Contact Lisa at for more information.

All times listed in Central European Time, the local time in France. 

Meditation in English

Live, in Marseille

Wednesday Mornings 9:30-11:00

Contact Lisa for more info and to join

Gobal Meditation with Lisa in English

Online Internationally

Sundays from 4 pm to 5 pm

Series on The Four Noble Truths

October 13-November 17

Lisa's Experience in Brief

In Person Retreats 

2007: Goenka Vipassana 10 day retreat in Northern California. 

2008: Guatemala 1 week retreat- Chen Rezi, Lisa's first retreat with Qapel of Planet Dharma

2008-2011: Clear Sky yearly meditation retreats in Theravadin and Vajrayana styles. 

Chen Rezi, Vajrasattva, Zambala, Milarepa, Red Tara, Green Tara, and more.


2015: Karma Yoga Retreat, Clear Sky Jan-April 3 months. 21 Tara retreat. 


2016: April UK retreat with Qapel Demchog/Vajrayogini 1 week


2017: Peace and Conflict Building retreat at School for International Training in June 1 week


2017 April Germany Retreat, Green Tara. Womb Karma Transcendence (Qapel and Sensei)


2017: December Retreat 8-23 at ClearSky Red Tara in YabYam, DemChog Vajrayogini in YabYam. (Qapel and Sensei)


2018: Aug-September  Maitriya House UK

Star Group Meditation, Sarasvati and Arts.  (Qapel and Sensei) 


2022: September in Germany

The Hero’s Journey (Qapel and Sensei)

2023: One Month Solo Retreat - anapanasati meditation and Senghe Ma. at Clear Sky. 


2024: Movement of the Mandala with Tarot cards, 20 days, at Clear Sky. (Qapel and Sensei)

On Line Classes and Retreats

with Qapel and Sensei of Planet Dharma

Ongoing 2016-2024. List coming soon. 

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Private Consultations and small groups available by appointment

 Self-Awareness happens equally when living abroad or when studying and practicing buddha-dharma.

In my twenties I became intrigued with practices to become aware of our habitual patterns of perceiving and behaving in the world. I was living in Maine at the time, but had already traveled and lived in many foreign cultures. Ten years later, in 2008, I heard Qapel Doug Duncan speak. He is meditation and dharma teacher who founded Clear Sky Center, BC. I immediately knew I had to meet him and that he would become my teacher.  Since then, I have participated in many meditation retreats, among them, at Clear Sky and IMS in Barre, Massachusetts.


Now, as a member of  Dharma Europe, I started teaching dharma and meditation in Marseille and online in both English and French. I love to combine my experience living in places like West Africa, Brazil, and elsewhere with my dharma teachings. Aside from that, I love yoga and the sea.  

I took this Silly Selfie during a month-long retreat in August 2023

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